- “Sensory Cues Profile Over the Time Period of Overheating Cooking Oil” a replication of an alleged case of personal injury involving the overheating of cooking oil. Presented the data collected, observations made and conclusions reached with special focus on the sensory cues for a law firm litigating a personal injury case, 1977.
- “Deodorization Process Design Practices and Technology in the Public Domain” a presentation prepared for a law firm dealing with a case of alleged patent infringement, 1978.
- “Conflagration Resulting from Hydrogen Peroxide Reacting with Iron from a Carbon Steel Pipeline” an investigation and presentation prepared for a law firm involved as a consequence of a catastrophic process equipment failure, 1982.
- “Industry Practices for the Safe Disposal of Spent Bleaching Earth in Landfill Solid Waste Disposal Facilities” a presentation prepared for a law firm dealing with objections about using a municipal landfill facility for spent bleaching earth disposal, 1983.
- “Protecting Edible Oils from Contamination in Barge and Ship Transport” -- a presentation prepared for a law firm litigating a case involving contaminated edible oil, 1986.
- “Sources and Control of Odor from Fish Processing Facilities” a presentation prepared for a law firm dealing with complaints about obnoxious odors from a fish processing facility in the State of Maine, 1987.
- “Commercial Fishing Vessel Practices to Protect Crew Members from Hazards in the Gulf Of Mexico ” a presentation prepared for law firms litigating a case involving a fishing vessel collision with a natural gas pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico, 1989-1991.
- “Owner and Engineering Firm Deviations from the Contractual Agreement and the Resulting Financial Consequences to the General Contractor in the Construction of an Edible Oil Processing Plant” a detailed investigation and presentation prepared for a law firm litigating a case involving the design and construction of a new edible oil processing plant, 1993.
- “Identification of Performance Deficiencies and Recommended Corrective Action for a New Soy Protein Processing Facility in Russia” --a presentation prepared for the owner to resolve performance issues involving a U.S. equipment supplier and a Russian engineering enterprise, 2002.
- “Standard Practices for Transporting Edible Oils in Railroad Tank Cars” a presentation prepared for a law firm litigating an alleged malpractice case, 2003.